- humidity: 11%
- wind: 6mph
- cloud cover: 0%
Next 7 days
104°F / 81°F
clear sky
sunrise: 06:28
sunset: 17:59
humidity: 12%
wind: 7mph
dew point: 41°F
pressure: 1011mb
chance of precipitation: 0%
cloud cover: 6%
100°F / 82°F
clear sky
sunrise: 06:29
sunset: 17:58
humidity: 13%
wind: 7mph
dew point: 41°F
pressure: 1014mb
chance of precipitation: 0%
cloud cover: 2%
100°F / 81°F
clear sky
sunrise: 06:29
sunset: 17:57
humidity: 12%
wind: 10mph
dew point: 39°F
pressure: 1013mb
chance of precipitation: 0%
cloud cover: 0%
97°F / 79°F
clear sky
sunrise: 06:30
sunset: 17:55
humidity: 12%
wind: 7mph
dew point: 36°F
pressure: 1012mb
chance of precipitation: 0%
cloud cover: 7%
95°F / 77°F
clear sky
sunrise: 06:31
sunset: 17:54
humidity: 14%
wind: 9mph
dew point: 38°F
pressure: 1013mb
chance of precipitation: 0%
cloud cover: 0%
91°F / 75°F
clear sky
sunrise: 06:32
sunset: 17:53
humidity: 16%
wind: 5mph
dew point: 39°F
pressure: 1015mb
chance of precipitation: 0%
cloud cover: 0%
93°F / 75°F
scattered clouds
sunrise: 06:32
sunset: 17:52
humidity: 18%
wind: 10mph
dew point: 43°F
pressure: 1012mb
chance of precipitation: 0%
cloud cover: 29%
90°F / 73°F
clear sky
sunrise: 06:33
sunset: 17:51
humidity: 17%
wind: 13mph
dew point: 39°F
pressure: 1009mb
chance of precipitation: 0%
cloud cover: 2%