- humidity: 38%
- wind: 4m/s
- cloud cover: 0%
Next 7 days
11°C / 2°C
light rain
sunrise: 07:15
sunset: 17:45
humidity: 36%
wind: 7m/s
dew point: -3°C
pressure: 1020mb
chance of precipitation: 69%
cloud cover: 25%
6°C / 0°C
rain and snow
sunrise: 07:14
sunset: 17:46
humidity: 93%
wind: 5m/s
dew point: 5°C
pressure: 1023mb
chance of precipitation: 100%
cloud cover: 99%
10°C / 2°C
light rain
sunrise: 07:13
sunset: 17:48
humidity: 56%
wind: 8m/s
dew point: 2°C
pressure: 1022mb
chance of precipitation: 80%
cloud cover: 25%
4°C / 0°C
rain and snow
sunrise: 07:12
sunset: 17:49
humidity: 80%
wind: 3m/s
dew point: 1°C
pressure: 1029mb
chance of precipitation: 93%
cloud cover: 100%
sunrise: 07:11
sunset: 17:50
humidity: 96%
wind: 3m/s
dew point: 0°C
pressure: 1024mb
chance of precipitation: 100%
cloud cover: 100%
0°C / -4°C
sunrise: 07:09
sunset: 17:51
humidity: 95%
wind: 3m/s
dew point: -1°C
pressure: 1025mb
chance of precipitation: 100%
cloud cover: 92%
2°C / -3°C
rain and snow
sunrise: 07:08
sunset: 17:52
humidity: 99%
wind: 3m/s
dew point: 2°C
pressure: 1022mb
chance of precipitation: 100%
cloud cover: 100%
2°C / 0°C
rain and snow
sunrise: 07:07
sunset: 17:53
humidity: 102%
wind: 2m/s
dew point: 2°C
pressure: 1027mb
chance of precipitation: 100%
cloud cover: 100%