- humidity: 43%
- wind: 2m/s
- cloud cover: 0%
Next 7 days
-5°C / -12°C
light snow
sunrise: 07:26
sunset: 18:00
humidity: 41%
wind: 3m/s
dew point: -16°C
pressure: 1021mb
chance of precipitation: 30%
cloud cover: 3%
sunrise: 07:25
sunset: 18:01
humidity: 48%
wind: 10m/s
dew point: -8°C
pressure: 1013mb
chance of precipitation: 100%
cloud cover: 100%
3°C / 1°C
rain and snow
sunrise: 07:23
sunset: 18:03
humidity: 101%
wind: 7m/s
dew point: 3°C
pressure: 1009mb
chance of precipitation: 100%
cloud cover: 100%
sunrise: 07:22
sunset: 18:04
humidity: 83%
wind: 5m/s
dew point: -1°C
pressure: 1024mb
chance of precipitation: 100%
cloud cover: 79%
3°C / -4°C
light snow
sunrise: 07:21
sunset: 18:05
humidity: 76%
wind: 4m/s
dew point: -1°C
pressure: 1023mb
chance of precipitation: 20%
cloud cover: 95%
3°C / 0°C
rain and snow
sunrise: 07:19
sunset: 18:06
humidity: 99%
wind: 2m/s
dew point: 3°C
pressure: 1017mb
chance of precipitation: 100%
cloud cover: 100%
2°C / -2°C
light snow
sunrise: 07:18
sunset: 18:07
humidity: 79%
wind: 3m/s
dew point: -1°C
pressure: 1026mb
chance of precipitation: 62%
cloud cover: 100%
3°C / -2°C
sunrise: 07:17
sunset: 18:09
humidity: 73%
wind: 2m/s
dew point: -1°C
pressure: 1025mb
chance of precipitation: 100%
cloud cover: 78%