- humidity: 65%
- wind: 3mph
- cloud cover: 53%
Next 7 days
32°F / 7°F
light snow
sunrise: 07:05
sunset: 17:14
humidity: 88%
wind: 6mph
dew point: 29°F
pressure: 1029mb
chance of precipitation: 100%
cloud cover: 100%
30°F / 10°F
light snow
sunrise: 07:03
sunset: 17:16
humidity: 80%
wind: 3mph
dew point: 25°F
pressure: 1031mb
chance of precipitation: 78%
cloud cover: 73%
28°F / 7°F
broken clouds
sunrise: 07:02
sunset: 17:17
humidity: 77%
wind: 4mph
dew point: 22°F
pressure: 1029mb
chance of precipitation: 0%
cloud cover: 63%
25°F / 9°F
overcast clouds
sunrise: 07:01
sunset: 17:19
humidity: 72%
wind: 5mph
dew point: 17°F
pressure: 1021mb
chance of precipitation: 0%
cloud cover: 99%
23°F / 1°F
clear sky
sunrise: 06:59
sunset: 17:20
humidity: 64%
wind: 4mph
dew point: 13°F
pressure: 1019mb
chance of precipitation: 0%
cloud cover: 9%
32°F / 7°F
light snow
sunrise: 06:58
sunset: 17:21
humidity: 68%
wind: 9mph
dew point: 23°F
pressure: 1009mb
chance of precipitation: 71%
cloud cover: 94%
sunrise: 06:56
sunset: 17:23
humidity: 86%
wind: 5mph
dew point: 28°F
pressure: 1010mb
chance of precipitation: 100%
cloud cover: 100%
34°F / 16°F
overcast clouds
sunrise: 06:55
sunset: 17:24
humidity: 76%
wind: 4mph
dew point: 27°F
pressure: 1022mb
chance of precipitation: 0%
cloud cover: 96%