Tatranská Lomnica Weather

few clouds
  • humidity: 92%
  • wind: 2m/s
  • cloud cover: 20%

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-2°C / -11°C
overcast clouds
sunrise: 07:26 sunset: 15:40
humidity: 76% wind: 4m/s dew point: -6°C pressure: 1020mb
chance of precipitation: 0% cloud cover: 99%
-2°C / -7°C
sunrise: 07:27 sunset: 15:41
humidity: 81% wind: 4m/s dew point: -5°C pressure: 1019mb
chance of precipitation: 100% cloud cover: 95%
3°C / -6°C
rain and snow
sunrise: 07:28 sunset: 15:41
humidity: 95% wind: 4m/s dew point: 2°C pressure: 1025mb
chance of precipitation: 100% cloud cover: 100%
2°C / 0°C
overcast clouds
sunrise: 07:28 sunset: 15:41
humidity: 89% wind: 3m/s dew point: 1°C pressure: 1026mb
chance of precipitation: 0% cloud cover: 97%
3°C / -1°C
broken clouds
sunrise: 07:29 sunset: 15:41
humidity: 80% wind: 3m/s dew point: 0°C pressure: 1025mb
chance of precipitation: 0% cloud cover: 80%
5°C / 1°C
overcast clouds
sunrise: 07:30 sunset: 15:42
humidity: 91% wind: 4m/s dew point: 4°C pressure: 1017mb
chance of precipitation: 0% cloud cover: 99%
1°C / -1°C
light snow
sunrise: 07:30 sunset: 15:42
humidity: 98% wind: 3m/s dew point: 1°C pressure: 1005mb
chance of precipitation: 100% cloud cover: 100%
0°C / -4°C
light snow
sunrise: 07:31 sunset: 15:42
humidity: 84% wind: 4m/s dew point: -2°C pressure: 1007mb
chance of precipitation: 96% cloud cover: 100%