- humidity: 75%
- wind: 5mph
- cloud cover: 100%
Next 7 days
41°F / 30°F
broken clouds
sunrise: 07:47
sunset: 17:26
humidity: 59%
wind: 5mph
dew point: 28°F
pressure: 1029mb
chance of precipitation: 0%
cloud cover: 74%
41°F / 28°F
overcast clouds
sunrise: 07:45
sunset: 17:27
humidity: 60%
wind: 11mph
dew point: 28°F
pressure: 1027mb
chance of precipitation: 0%
cloud cover: 89%
sunrise: 07:43
sunset: 17:29
humidity: 94%
wind: 10mph
dew point: 34°F
pressure: 1024mb
chance of precipitation: 100%
cloud cover: 100%
36°F / 30°F
sunrise: 07:41
sunset: 17:31
humidity: 99%
wind: 5mph
dew point: 36°F
pressure: 1020mb
chance of precipitation: 91%
cloud cover: 100%
34°F / 25°F
light snow
sunrise: 07:39
sunset: 17:33
humidity: 101%
wind: 5mph
dew point: 34°F
pressure: 1020mb
chance of precipitation: 100%
cloud cover: 100%
36°F / 25°F
overcast clouds
sunrise: 07:38
sunset: 17:35
humidity: 75%
wind: 6mph
dew point: 29°F
pressure: 1022mb
chance of precipitation: 0%
cloud cover: 99%
32°F / 30°F
light snow
sunrise: 07:36
sunset: 17:37
humidity: 98%
wind: 5mph
dew point: 32°F
pressure: 1021mb
chance of precipitation: 100%
cloud cover: 100%
34°F / 30°F
light snow
sunrise: 07:34
sunset: 17:38
humidity: 89%
wind: 5mph
dew point: 31°F
pressure: 1021mb
chance of precipitation: 20%
cloud cover: 100%