- humidity: 66%
- wind: 0m/s
- cloud cover: 99%
Next 7 days
30°C / 26°C
moderate rain
sunrise: 05:45
sunset: 18:25
humidity: 64%
wind: 2m/s
dew point: 22°C
pressure: 1012mb
chance of precipitation: 91%
cloud cover: 99%
30°C / 25°C
light rain
sunrise: 05:46
sunset: 18:24
humidity: 69%
wind: 2m/s
dew point: 24°C
pressure: 1010mb
chance of precipitation: 84%
cloud cover: 100%
29°C / 25°C
light rain
sunrise: 05:46
sunset: 18:24
humidity: 67%
wind: 3m/s
dew point: 22°C
pressure: 1008mb
chance of precipitation: 100%
cloud cover: 93%
30°C / 25°C
light rain
sunrise: 05:47
sunset: 18:23
humidity: 65%
wind: 3m/s
dew point: 23°C
pressure: 1007mb
chance of precipitation: 90%
cloud cover: 96%
30°C / 25°C
light rain
sunrise: 05:47
sunset: 18:23
humidity: 63%
wind: 3m/s
dew point: 22°C
pressure: 1006mb
chance of precipitation: 100%
cloud cover: 99%
28°C / 24°C
light rain
sunrise: 05:47
sunset: 18:22
humidity: 82%
wind: 3m/s
dew point: 25°C
pressure: 1010mb
chance of precipitation: 100%
cloud cover: 100%
29°C / 24°C
light rain
sunrise: 05:48
sunset: 18:22
humidity: 63%
wind: 2m/s
dew point: 21°C
pressure: 1012mb
chance of precipitation: 20%
cloud cover: 99%
29°C / 25°C
light rain
sunrise: 05:48
sunset: 18:22
humidity: 68%
wind: 2m/s
dew point: 22°C
pressure: 1010mb
chance of precipitation: 100%
cloud cover: 67%