- humidity: 93%
- wind: 2m/s
- cloud cover: 6%
Next 7 days
29°C / 23°C
moderate rain
sunrise: 06:01
sunset: 18:47
humidity: 67%
wind: 3m/s
dew point: 22°C
pressure: 1012mb
chance of precipitation: 70%
cloud cover: 50%
29°C / 25°C
moderate rain
sunrise: 06:01
sunset: 18:47
humidity: 68%
wind: 2m/s
dew point: 22°C
pressure: 1011mb
chance of precipitation: 90%
cloud cover: 45%
29°C / 25°C
moderate rain
sunrise: 06:02
sunset: 18:46
humidity: 68%
wind: 2m/s
dew point: 22°C
pressure: 1010mb
chance of precipitation: 80%
cloud cover: 100%
28°C / 25°C
moderate rain
sunrise: 06:02
sunset: 18:46
humidity: 73%
wind: 4m/s
dew point: 23°C
pressure: 1011mb
chance of precipitation: 99%
cloud cover: 96%
27°C / 25°C
moderate rain
sunrise: 06:03
sunset: 18:45
humidity: 81%
wind: 5m/s
dew point: 23°C
pressure: 1012mb
chance of precipitation: 100%
cloud cover: 99%
29°C / 25°C
broken clouds
sunrise: 06:03
sunset: 18:44
humidity: 58%
wind: 5m/s
dew point: 20°C
pressure: 1011mb
chance of precipitation: 11%
cloud cover: 72%
29°C / 24°C
scattered clouds
sunrise: 06:04
sunset: 18:44
humidity: 52%
wind: 4m/s
dew point: 18°C
pressure: 1010mb
chance of precipitation: 0%
cloud cover: 41%
29°C / 25°C
light rain
sunrise: 06:04
sunset: 18:43
humidity: 66%
wind: 4m/s
dew point: 22°C
pressure: 1011mb
chance of precipitation: 92%
cloud cover: 74%